IBM Systems and Technology Group
IBM System Storage Product Guide
Disk Storage Systems/System Storage Software
Disk Storage Virtualization
Create a tiered storage environment and help increase the flexibility and efficiency of your storage infrastructure by introducing solutions based on
IBM System Storage virtualization software.
Function and Value
IBM System Stora
ge SAN Volume
Controller (SVC)
Based on virtualization technology, the
IBM System Storage SAN Volume
Controller is designed to increase the
efficiency and flexibility of your storage
infrastructure by pooling storage and
centralizing management, and enabling
changes to the physical storage while
avoiding disruption to
Manage storage volumes from a central point: SVC is designed to
enhance the flexibility of your storage environment. It can combine the stor-
age capacity from multiple disk systems from different suppliers into a sin-
gle pool of storage that can be managed from a central point. In this way,
fewer skills are required and storage administrators can become more pro-
Virtually eliminate downtime related to storage: SVC enables data
IBM System Storage DR550 and DR550 Express
migrations, maintenance and upgrades to the SVC system itself, and
changes to the physical storage without impacting host applications.
Improve storage resource utilization: By combining the storage capacity
from multiple disk systems into a single pool, SVC uses existing storage
capacity more efficiently, which can defer additional storage purchases to
save costs.
An award-winning information archiving and retention solution designed to:
store, retrieve, manage, share and secure all types of data (e-mail, database, documents, images, files, etc.)
provide non-erasable, non-rewritable archival storage. Prevents deletion or alteration of data stored on the
support multiple storage tiers for long term archiving (disk, tape and optical)
provide the facilities to migrate archive data from aging disk or tape subsystems to new ones
offer automatic provisioning, migration, expiration and archiving capabilities
offer scalability up to 112 TB raw physical capacity and supports petabytes of storage with attached tape and
A single, cost-effective set of advanced copy services: SVC can apply
copy services across all the managed storage, regardless of the disk system
supplier. This capability helps simplify the environment, reduce the costs of
implementing disaster recovery solutions, increases flexibility in using stor-
age and increases personnel productivity.
offer chronological and event-based data retention
offer high availability option to avoid single points of failure
provide security and protection through data encryption and data shredding options
support and integrate with broad set of IBM and non-IBM content management applications
provide file archiving through the new IBM System Storage DR550 File System Gateway
protect customer data against disasters through Synchronous or Asynchronous Replication
offer low TCO through the use of multiple storage devices for long period archiving
Carefree Services—for onsite software/firmware upgrades and three year warranty repair and maintenance
Create a tiered storage environment: Using virtualization technology, SVC
enables customers to match the cost of the storage to the value of their
data. For example, mission-critical data can be stored on high-performance,
highly available Fibre-Channel disks while non-mission-critical data can be
stored on serial-ATA disks. Data can easily be moved from one tier to
another without application disruption.
(24x7, four hour response)
DR550: Single engine: 8 TB and 16 TB, Dual engine: 8, 16, 32, 56, 112 TB of raw physical storage, up to
petabytes with attached tape and optical storage.
IBM TotalStorage Expert Family
DR550 Express 1.1, 5.1 and 9.1 TB configurations.
Adds value to the storage subsystem solution by providing information for better management.
Single- or dual-server configurations Dual-server configuration offers failover protection
DR550: 2-way 2.1 GHz POWER5+™ Processor Card, 36 MB L3 Cache
DR550 Express: 1-way 1.65 GHz POWER5+ Processor Card, no L3 Cache
IBM System Storage Archive Manager (SSAM) application programming interface (API) v5.4
IBM AIX, Version 5.3
Performance testing results:
2 port Gigabit Copper or Fibre Ethernet (upgrades available)
1 GB per node
Function and Value
IBM TotalStorage ETL Expert
Provides a high-performance monitoring tool to help simplify the management of IBM tape subsystems that
include the IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Tape Library, Virtual Tape Server and Peer-to-Peer Virtual Tape Server
Network protocol support
Operating system
PCI slots available
Network connectivity
IBM TotalStorage XRC
Performance Monitor
Provides the ability to monitor and evaluate the performance of a running XRC configuration; the monitor func-
tion provides information at the real-time, historic and summary levels
memory (max)
Data protection
Mirrored OS, RAID-5, RAID-10 (opt.) for user data
DFSMS Family
Data Encryption for enhanced security for disk and tape via 128-bit AES or 56-bit DES encryption technology.
Encryption keys can be managed by the application or by the DR550. Maintains data as non-erasable and non-
rewritable until deletion is permitted by retention policy.
IBM HACMP 5.3 (Dual-server configuration), redundant DS4700 controllers, RDAC driver to provide path failover,
Provides automated and central storage management in the z/OS environment
Function and Value
Provides data access, program and device management functions that furnish effective management of active
RAID levels
Systems management
Storage management
External tape (recommended IBM 3592 WORM tape)
RAID-5, RAID-10 (opt.)
SMIT, DS4000 Storage Manager GUI, SNMP
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager client and storage agent
Provides data movement, copy, backup and space management functions
Provides backup, recovery, migration and space management functions that furnish effective management of
inactive data
Provides a policy-driven solution for the management of removable media, such as tape cartridges and reels
Provides a solution for faster and easier data sorting, reporting and analysis
Enables batch jobs and IBM CICS® (Customer Information Control Systems) online transactions to update
shared VSAM data sets concurrently
Please visit for additional N3700 performance information.
** Please visit for current DR550 performance results.
For more information on third-party product support, please refer to “IBM NAS Interoperability” at
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center
IBM Global Services for System Storage and Storage
Data Storage Services from IBM can help companies achieve their business objectives
by creating cost-effective data storage solutions that address the requirements of key
business applications. These solutions can support multiple platforms and product ven-
dors, helping to provide enhanced protection for critical business data, increased asset
utilization, availability and reliability levels with reduced management costs.
IBM TotalStorage
Center for
TPC for Replication Two Site and
Three Site Business Continuity
provides disaster recovery man-
agement through planned and
unplanned failover and failback
automation for the IBM ESS
Model 800, IBM DS6000 and
IBM DS8000.
TPC for Replication Two Site
and Three Site Business
Function and Value
Designed to protect valu-
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager is designed to provide protection of
your 24x7 applications and key data in the event of hardware,
software or network failures. It offers move-and-store tech-
niques and policy-based automation, which are designed to
work together to help increase data and application protection,
decrease disaster recovery time and lower storage administra-
tion costs. It manages inactive data, helping you match the
value of the data to the most cost-effective storage manage-
ment practices. Tivoli Storage Manager is designed to scale
easily to protect hundreds of computers running a dozen oper-
ating systems ranging from laptops to mainframes and con-
nected together via the Internet, WANs, LANs or SANs. Tivoli
Storage Manager also offers open, easy-to-use APIs designed
to enable ISVs to more easily adapt their solutions to IBM soft-
ware, helping to allow joint customers to customize, better
secure and extend the functionality of their storage
Continuity helps you manage
replication to a remote backup
site(s) through Metro Mirror or
Global Mirror. The software is
designed to allow you to moni-
tor the progress of the copy
services so you can verify the
amount of replication that has
been done as well as the
able data in the most cost-
effective manner
Designed to archive inac-
Replication Two
Site Business
tive data to help reduce
Designed to help ensure
IBM Global Services, as the leading data storage services provider, brings best practices
from its thousands of customer engagements to work with your employees to integrate
new solutions and technology with your business and IT needs. IBM offers a comprehen-
sive portfolio of data storage services including:
continuity and recovery
amount of time needed to
complete the replication.
Analysis of enterprise information needs and environment
Defined enterprise-wide storage strategies
Quantified business benefits
Automated failover is designed
to keep your critical data online
and available to your users
even if your primary site fails.
When the primary site comes
back on, the software man-
ages failback to the default
configuration as well.
Backup/restore and business continuity planning
Performance and capacity planning
Enterprise security architecture
Storage migration and consolidation
Networked storage architecture design
SAN configuration and integration services
Proof of concept, validation and certification
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition
IBM TotalStorage
Center for Data
IBM TotalStorage Productivity
Center for Data is a Storage
Resource Management (SRM)
tool for storage environments that
provide a set of policy-driven
automated tools for managing
storage capacity, availability,
events, performance and assets,
including DAS, NAS and SAN
Designed to help leverage and
optimize existing storage
resources and perform storage
management with a high level
of control
Designed to help maximize
storage utilization
Designed to be able to manage
more storage with the same
Implementation, testing and migration services
Education and training
Installation, relocation, cabling and site preparation
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Express
IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center
Business and application recovery services
Systems monitoring and management
Managed Storage Services
Function and Value
Designed to help reduce the
IBM TotalStorage
Center for Disk
In a pooled or virtualized SAN
environment, multiple devices
work together to create a storage
solution. IBM TotalStorage
Productivity Center for Disk is
designed to provide integrated
administration, optimization and
replication features for these
complexity and cost of storage
management while improving
data availability
IBM Global Services has a track record in offering services for open and mainframe stor-
age, data migration, installation and support services for IBM and non-IBM environments.
Some examples are:
IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center
IBM TotalStorage
Center for Fabric
IBM TotalStorage Productivity
Center for Fabric is designed to
help automate the management
of heterogeneous storage net-
works and works with a broad
range of devices, so businesses
can leverage and better use exist-
ing technology investments. It is
designed to provide comprehen-
sive management of physical and
logical configurations for multi-
vendor SANs with automatic
resource discovery, event moni-
toring and alerting, zone control
and SAN error-prediction
Designed to help predict stor-
age network failures before
they happen, enabling preven-
tative maintenance
Designed to help accelerate
problem isolation when failures
Designed to create a single
point of control, administration
and security for the manage-
ment of heterogeneous storage
Offers centralized, open
IBM Storage Strategy Assessment assists with the vision and strategy, assessment,
standards–based management
of storage devices
Designed to help enhance
architecture and conceptual designs to help customers optimize their storage infra-
structure to new architectures.
IBM Planning Services for 3494 Automated Tape Library and Virtual Tape Server can
storage administrator
Offers proactive management
help improve tape storage management and gain control of an often expanding library
of tapes.
IBM Operational Support Services for Tivoli Storage Manager assists customers in the
of storage devices
planning and implementation of storage management software.
IBM Managed Storage Services offer scalable, cost-effective storage capacity, man-
IBM TotalStorage
Center for
TotalStorage Productivity Center
For Replication is designed to
simplify and automate the config-
uration of your replication envi-
ronment allowing for more
Automates the configuration of
agement and backup/restore services on a usage basis.
your IBM DS8000, DS6000™
and ESS advanced copy serv-
ices features.
More information about IBM storage services can be found at
Monitors and manages the
effective Metro Mirroring, Global
Mirror and IBM FlashCopy man-
agement. It is also designed to
monitor and automate copy oper-
ations across devices to support a
replication environment.
IBM DS8000 and SVC copy
operations to ensure success-
ful completion from your
source volumes to your disas-
ter recovery volumes
IBM Global Financing
IBM TotalStorage
Center Standard
Combines Disk, Data and Fabric
components together as one
orderable product.
Having Disk, Data and Fabric
allows higher levels of value—
i.e. combined SAN and Disk
performance reports or auto-
mated workflows to do provi-
sioning (under the control of
Tivoli Provisioning Manager)
IBM Global Financing offers competitive financing to credit-qualified customers and
IBM Business Partners to assist them in acquiring IT solutions. Our offerings include financ-
ing for IT acquisition—including hardware, software and services, both from IBM and other
manufacturers or vendors—as well as commercial financing (revolving lines of credit, term
loans, acquisition facilities and inventory-financing credit lines) for IBM Business Partners.
Offerings (for all customer segments: small, medium and large enterprise), rates, terms and
availability may vary by country. Contact your local IBM Global Financing organization or visit
the Web at
Copyright IBM Corporation 2007
IBM Systems and Technology Group
Route 100
Somers, NY 10589
Produced in the United States
August 2007
All Rights Reserved
IBM, the IBM logo, AIX, AS/400, CICS, DFSMSdfp, DFSMSdss, DFSMShsm,
DFSMSrmm, DFSMStvs, DFSORT, DS4000, DS6000, DS8000, Enterprise
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OS/400, POWER5+, ServeRAID, SysBack, xSeries, System i, System p,
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IBM makes no representation that these results can be expected or obtained in
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LTO and Ultrium are registered trademarks of International Business Machines
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Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, and Windows NT are trademarks of
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Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other
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MB, GB and TB equal 1,000,000, 1,000,000,000 and 1,000,000,000,000 bytes,
respectively, where referring to storage capacity. Actual storage capacity will vary
based upon many factors and may be less than stated. Some numbers given for
storage capacities give capacity in native mode followed by capacity using data
compression technology.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other
The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of Network Appliance, Inc.:
Data ONTAP, Snapshot, FlexVol, SnapMirror, SyncMirror, SnapVault, SnapRestore,
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PURPOSE OR INFRINGEMENT. IBM products are warranted according to the
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IBM Global Financing offerings are provided through IBM Credit Corporation in the
United States and IBM Canada Ltd. in Canada to qualified commercial and
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References in this document to IBM products, programs or services does not
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only that program may be used. Any functionally equivalent program or product,
that does not infringe IBM’s intellectual property rights, may be used instead. It is
the user’s responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-
IBM product, program or service.
IBM hardware products are manufactured from new parts, or new and used parts.
In some cases, the hardware product may not be new and may have been
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This document could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
IBM may make changes, improvements, or alterations to the products, programs
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legal advice or represent or warrant that its services or products will ensure that
the customer is in compliance with any law.
Motorola BRAVO 3740 User Manual
LG Electronics G7030 User Manual
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